Thursday, April 6, 2017


Conch shell- the conch shell represents authority. Whenever someone has the shell then can talk and nobody can interrupt them. You can blow into the shell to call a meeting or get people’s attention. Ralph uses the shell the most.

The fire- the fire was to try and signal someone. They started a fire with piggy’s specs. Piggy only had one spec because he got punched in the stomach. They mostly used the fire to try to signal a plane but they also used the fire to keep warm. They had to tend the fire overnight but they did not do a good job of doing that because the fire went out.

The huts- the huts symbolize home. Only two of the boys built the huts while the other boys were hunting and some of the irresponsible boys were building sand castles and were swimming in the water. They needed shelter so they had to build the huts, that’s where the boys stayed at night and its where they slept.

1 comment:

  1. Maison, Good work; however, please change the title from Ch. 5 to Symbols. - Mrs. G
