Thursday, April 6, 2017

Chapter 4

the boys are settling into the island. The smaller boys are now known as the "littleuns," including Percival, the smallest boy on the island, who stayed in a small shelter for two days. The littleuns spend most of the day searching for fruit to eat, and playing. They were not crying for their mothers as often than expected, and they spend time with the older boys only during Ralph's assemblies. The littleuns keep themselves busy by building sand castles. They littleuns are still scared of the “beastie”. They think it will hunt them when they sleep.

 piggy is the only boy whose hair does not and has not ever grown and whose clothes have been the same in the whole entire book. He is still thinking of when he did not get everyone’s names he is sad about that. Piggy is not the smartest boy in the group but he does have a big heart.

Jack insisted that everyone eat the pig is a way of showing he can be a great leader. He can feed the boys. He has kept his promise and is giving the boys something they all want and crave because they are very hungry. He is a strong and powerful leader. This concerns Ralph, who talks about a fire and rescue but who has really done nothing. Ralph is starting to get concerned and is beginning to get nervous because he wants to be leader and does not want Jack to take his place.

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