Wednesday, April 5, 2017



Hello my name is jack. The three littleuns play in the sand Maurice and Rodger, come out from the forest. Maurice off for a swim, but Roger doesn’t he stays behind. When one of the littleuns, Henry, wanders off, Roger follows him. Henry plays near the edge of the ocean, he is thinking and looking at all little animals living there.

Roger watches Henry from a far away, and finds some nuts blown from a tree. After he looks at them Roger throws the nuts and then some little rocks and stones at Henry, but he purposely aims to miss by a little bit so he doesn’t hit him.

Jack steps back from the forest and calls for Roger, telling him to follow jack. In the jungle, Jack paints his own face for hunting camouflage so he can blend in with the grass and the leaves. The mask makes him feel like he is blending in. Jack starts dancing. He gets Roger, and he gets some others boys to come hunt with him.

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