Monday, May 1, 2017


hello my names Ralph me and my friends from school are flying ion a plane. I have had some fun here but mostly bad things have happened. a lot has happened during this adventure on the beach. some of my friends have died and some crazy things have happened.

jack is a mean person who is mean to some people for no reason and he wants to be chief but people would rather chose me. Jack and I do not like each other because we are competing against each other to be chief even though I am already chief I don't think he understands that the people voted for me not him, but he keeps trying.

my friend piggy died. I was very sad when he died because he was one of my close friends and he was a very nice person. although not everyone liked piggy because he let the fire out, I still like him because everyone makes mistakes.

Simon also died. he was trying to tell us that the beast that the littleuns saw was not really a beast. we all thought he was the beast so we killed him because we thought he was lying and we thought he was the beast.

Jacks tribe attacked us in the middle of the night and they beat us up, we didn't see it coming so we were not prepared to fight back. we finally got rescued and I was so happy to finally get off the island and go to see my family.

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