Monday, May 8, 2017

chapter 10

Ralph met piggy at the beach. they are both sore and they feel awkward for there behavior. piggy is not admitting his role in killing Simon. at the castle rock jack his all power. he punished the boys for no reason.

Jack ties and beats up a boy named Jack. Jack says Maurice and Roger should raid Ralphs tribe so they can start a fire and then they can start hunting again tomorrow. Jack said his job is to get the beast and that's what he did. Jack really believed that Simon really was the beats.

The boys at ralphs camp start to fall a sleep. Ralph camp is woken up by Jacks tribe, they are attacking Ralphs camp. Jacks camp needs wood for fire. Jack and his camp are beating Ralph and his camp up, Ralphs camp does not know why they are being beat up.

Monday, May 1, 2017


hello my names Ralph me and my friends from school are flying ion a plane. I have had some fun here but mostly bad things have happened. a lot has happened during this adventure on the beach. some of my friends have died and some crazy things have happened.

jack is a mean person who is mean to some people for no reason and he wants to be chief but people would rather chose me. Jack and I do not like each other because we are competing against each other to be chief even though I am already chief I don't think he understands that the people voted for me not him, but he keeps trying.

my friend piggy died. I was very sad when he died because he was one of my close friends and he was a very nice person. although not everyone liked piggy because he let the fire out, I still like him because everyone makes mistakes.

Simon also died. he was trying to tell us that the beast that the littleuns saw was not really a beast. we all thought he was the beast so we killed him because we thought he was lying and we thought he was the beast.

Jacks tribe attacked us in the middle of the night and they beat us up, we didn't see it coming so we were not prepared to fight back. we finally got rescued and I was so happy to finally get off the island and go to see my family.

Chapter 9

Simon wakes up and finds the everything dark and the air humid he thinks there is a storm coming. His nose is bleeding, and he starts walking twards the mountain. He hikes up the hill and sees the dead pilot with his  parachute flapping in the wind.

Simon realizes that the boys have mistaken this this man in a tree for the deadly beast that has turned everything into chaos. When Simon sees the corpse of the parachutist he starts to vomit from the sent and from what he has seen. When he is done he begins untangling the parachute now the parachute free from the rocks.
He cant wait to show and tell the boys that they have mistaken the man in the tree for a deadly beast. Everyone can calm down now and stop worrying about the deadly beast because the deadly beast is not even a beast. Ralph is mad because jack is getting the boys in his side of the argument but he cant wait until he gets back to the beach to tell the boys.

chapter 12

Ralph hides in the jungle and thinks about everything that has been going on. he thinks about the death of piggy and Simon. Ralph was angry and mad he comes across the lord of the flies and pushes it to the ground.

later that night Ralph wakes up and sneaks down to the camp and sees Eric guarding it. the twins give him food but he does not want it. they told Ralph and said that jack and his tribe is planning to attack them again the next day.

Ralph looks up and sees a officer standing right over him, he is scared at first. the officer tells them that they are here to rescue him, he said they saw a huge fire on the beach. they are happy that they are finally being rescued.

Monday, April 24, 2017

chapter 8

in the morning all the boys gather on the beach and talk about the monster. Piggy, who was not on the mountain the night before, does not believe that the boys have seen a monster.

Jack gets the conch shell and blows it, he calls for an assembly. Jack tells the other boys that there is definitely a beast on the mountain and says that ralph is a coward who should no be a leader.

but the other boys want ralph to be a leader and wont vote him out. Jack is heated so he leaves the group and he says he is leaving and if anybody wants to come with him can.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

chapter 7

after a long day the boys stopped to eat as they are traveling to the mountain. Ralph is looking at the ocean and he feels like with the ocean is blocking the boys from being escaped. Simon comes up to him trying to make him happier by telling him that they will make him home safely.

Jack says they should hunt the pig while its day outside and they should also look for the beastie as well. Jack throws his spear at the boar and it doesn't even stick in. Jack is happy but the other boys are not.

Ralph and Jack are still not friends they are still fighting for power. it is like a competition for who the boys think is a better leader and who has more power. it is also like a competition for courage and who can do the most for the boys

chapter 6

At night ralph and jack carry the littleuns back to the huts. when the littleuns are sleeping there are planes flying above them. people in parachutes fly down their parachutes flap in the wind.

when Sam and Eric wake up the go back to keep the fire going. Sam and Eric see the dead man in the parachute and go tell everyone that they see a beats, so they all go looking for what they saw. Ralph says that Jack can be the leader of the search party.

when the boys are climbing the hill Jack and Ralph are becoming friends again. a lot of the other boys start playing and forget what they are here for. Ralph yells at them and tells them that they need to stop playing and help him find the beast